Feature / Location
The most populous city of North East England / Located on the River Tyne’s northern bankCurrency
Great British PoundWeather
Summers are warm and humid; winters are short and coolTime Zone
Visit historic places and art venues; catch a concert at Sage Gateshead; explore the QuaysideNewcastle Weather
The summers are warm and humid, while Newcastle's winters are short and cool. The temperature typically varies throughout the year from 7 Celsius to 27 Celsius degrees. While the hottest month of the year is July, the coldest is January. Make sure to check the weather in Newcastle in advance before packing for your trip.
- Mar 13, Thu 6 Light Rain
- Mar 14, Fri 5 Light Rain
- Mar 15, Sat 7 Few Clouds
- Mar 16, Sun 8 Clear Sky
- Mar 17, Mon 1 Clear Sky
From Dalaman
To Newcastle

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