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General Rules

In accordance with the regulations, it is forbidden for passengers to take on board substances classified as hazardous substances, with some exceptions, as they pose a risk to flight safety.


You can find the substances classified as hazardous substances in our table.


Some of the substances listed in the table may be carried on board with the passenger, subject to certain rules and the authorisation and approval of Corendon Airlines.


Please note that there may be other restrictions based on National and International laws such as liquid rules and customs regulations. For further information, please contact us via the Customer Contact Form.


Please note that as there are rules and regulations regarding the storage of dangerous goods, the competent authorities may open your baggage and inspect your belongings. Corendon Airlines is not responsible for any damage that may be caused by such searches if the baggage is locked.


Dangerous Goods Table

Dangerous Goods Table Cabin/Hand Luggage Checked Luggage
Alcohol Alcoholic beverages in retail packaging with an alcohol content of more than 24% but not more than 70%, in a total net amount not exceeding 5 litres per person and per bottle    
Battery / Battery and battery operated devices
All batteries and accumulators, including lithium metal or lithium-ion batteries Such electronic devices may only be carried in cabin baggage. Please note that the carriage of these items is subject to approval and can only be taken into the cabin; they cannot be carried in the cargo compartment in baggage. Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Electronic cigarettes  Electronic cigarettes (including electronic cigars, electronic pipes, wind lighters and matches or other smoking devices). Precautions must be taken against unintentional activation of these devices.    
Lithium battery powered electrical devices The Wh-value of lithium-ion batteries for portable (including medical) electronic devices may be more than 100Wh but must not exceed 160 Wh. Only lithium metal batteries with a lithium content of more than 2 g but not exceeding 8 g for portable medical electronic devices may be carried in the cabin, depending on their size or carrying handle. Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Portable electronic devices (including medical devices) containing lithium metal or lithium ion or batteries Portable electronic devices (including medical devices) containing lithium metal or lithium ion or batteries If watches, calculators, cameras, mobile phones, laptops, etc. are brought on board for personal use by passengers or cabin crew, lithium metal batteries must not exceed 2 g and lithium ion batteries must not exceed 100 Wh.    
Portable electronic devices containing non-spillable batteries Batteries must be 12 V or less and 100 Wh or less. A maximum of 2 spare batteries may be carried. Batteries can be carried in either the cabin or hold. Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Replacement lithium batteries Lithium ion batteries for portable (including medical) electronic devices with a Wh value exceeding 100 Wh but not exceeding 160 Wh. Lithium metal batteries with a lithium content of more than 2 g but not exceeding 8 g for portable medical electronic devices only. A maximum of two spare batteries may be carried in cabin baggage. Batteries and devices must not come into contact with each other to prevent short circuits. Please note that approved spare batteries may only be carried in the cabin. Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Battery powered wheelchairs and vehicles
Portable support devices: lithium-ion batteries (collapsible)

Portable support devices: Cordless portable devices powered by a lithium-ion battery (collapsible). In this case, the lithium-ion battery must be removed and carried in the cabin. The batteries of such wheelchairs must not exceed 300 watt hours, or the battery of a device equipped with two batteries required for operation must not exceed 160 watt hours per battery. A maximum of one spare battery not exceeding 300 watt hours or two spare batteries not exceeding 160 watt hours each may be carried in the cabin. 

Wheelchairs with batteries that cannot be fully removed are taken onboard by disconnecting the battery terminals. Those batteries must meet the requirements of the ‘UN Manual of Tests and Criteria’, Part III, Section 38.3. Proof must be provided when checking in at the airport, e.g. by a certificate from the manufacturer, or a personal written confirmation.

Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Portable support devices (Non-flushing) Battery-powered wheelchairs or other similar portable devices powered by batteries which do not leak or which comply with Special Provision A123 or A199 of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, provided that the batteries are protected against short circuits (e.g. placed in a battery container and securely attached to the wheelchair). Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Flows portable support devices Portable support devices: Wheelchairs and similar devices powered by batteries, flow batteries or lithium batteries may have the battery installed in the device, provided that they are always loaded, secured, secured and unloaded in an upright position. The battery terminals must be protected from short circuits, e.g. enclosed in a battery container, and the battery must be securely fastened to the wheelchair. Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Personal battery-powered devices For safety reasons, we cannot accept personal electrical devices such as electric skateboards, mini Segways and smart or self-balancing wheels on our flights.    
Battery-powered devices Devices that charge devices such as laptops, cameras, mobile phones    
Liquids and Aerosols
Chemical and toxic substances Abrasive, toxic cleaning materials and chemicals    
Flammable substances Cylinder, gas and other flammable paints, oils, gases, liquids and solids    
Flammable and non-toxic aerosols The total net quantity of all items such as hair sprays, perfumes, colognes and alcohol-containing medicines, including aerosols, must not exceed 2 kg (4.4 lb) or 2 L (2 qt). The quantity of each liquid must be max. 0.5 kg (1 lb) or 0.5 L (1 pt). If you wish to carry these items in hand luggage, please note that you are limited to max. 100 ml, please note that you are limited to 100 ml.    
Medical products
Insulated packages containing refrigerated liquid nitrogen  Items stored in porous material containing only harmless and non-hazardous substances. Can be carried as checkin or hand luggage. Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Insulated packages containing refrigerated liquid nitrogen Items stored in porous material containing only harmless and non-hazardous substances. Can be carried as checkin or hand luggage.    
Mercury barometer or thermometer Carried only by a representative of a state weather bureau or similar official organisation. Approval must be obtained from Corendon Airlines before the flight and the item must be carried in cabin baggage. Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
A thermometer for medical purposes  may be carried in 1 piece of cabin baggage and 1 protective container on the person.    
Personal and professional
Dry ice (carbon dioxide, solid)  Liquid nitrogen, insulated cooling containers. Max. 2.5 kg per person, may be carried in checked baggage or hand baggage. Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Heat generating products Such as underwater diving torches or battery soldering devices. Subject to approval, they may be carried in the cabin or cargo hold. Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Matches and lighters Matches and small lighters that do not contain liquid fuel other than liquefied gas, as long as they are carried on the person. It is not permitted to refill gas or fuel in the person's baggage or hand luggage after the check. Note: ''Matches that can burn anywhere, "Blue flame" or "Cigar" lighters are prohibited. One Piece can be carried on the passengers person
Pressurised cylinders  Fire extinguishers, carbon dioxide cylinders, etc.    
Safety-type attaché safes  Safety-type safes, money boxes and bags, etc. containing hazardous materials such as lithium batteries and/or pyrotechnics    
Self-inflating life jackets IATA DG regulations state that a lifejacket with no more than 2 cylinders and inflation cartridges can be carried in cabin baggage or checked baggage. You must obtain approval from Corendon Airlines before your flight. Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Alet/ Araçlar

Tools that can be used in a manner that may cause serious injury or threaten the safety of the aircraft, including the following:

- crowbar,

- All drills and bits including cordless portable electric drills,

- tools with a blade or shaft longer than 6 cm that can be used as a weapon, such as screwdrivers and chisels, all similar items, including cordless portable electric saws,

- welding machine,

- bolt and nail guns. 

Restricted smart devices
Apple MacBook Pro In accordance with the decision of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Apple MacBook Pro laptops purchased between 2015-2017 are not allowed to be carried in aircraft baggage. Passengers can take their laptop with them as cabin baggage, but it must be closed during the flight.    
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 The Ministry of Transport states that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 could pose a fire hazard.    
Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives
Ammunition Ammunition (magazines for weapons), securely packed (only in sections 1.4S, UN 0012 or UN 0014) and for the own use of the person concerned in an amount not exceeding 5 kilograms gross weight per person. Supplies for more than one person may not be transported in a single package. Confirmation via the Customer Contact Form is required.
Substances containing explosives It is forbidden to carry all fireworks and similar objects containing explosives, such as Christmas and fireworks, bottle rockets, explosives, etc. in the cabin or cargo compartment on our flights.    
Objects with sharp points or edges

Objects with sharp points or sharp edges that can cause serious injury, including

- items designed for chopping, such as axes, cleavers and cleavers,

- ice axes and ice pick,

- razor blade,

- box cutters,

- Blades longer than 6 cm

- scissors with blades larger than 6 cm when measured from the fulcrum,

- martial arts equipment with spikes or sharp edges,

- all swords and similar products, sword sticks

- ski and hiking poles/sticks and crampons,

- ice skating,

- arrows, darts, harpoons, machetes and spears

Electroshock Devices

- Electroshocking devices such as electroshock guns and batons,
- animal tranquillisers and killers - substances that neutralise chemicals, sprays and gases such as pepper spray and tear gas, paprika, acid and animal repellent sprays


*Checked Baggage baggage given under the aircraft

**On the person

In the pocket, hand or worn on the passenger In addition to the dangerous goods listed above, the following items may not be carried on board as hand baggage Plastic or metal toy guns or blanks Catapult, slingshot Cutting tools, fork, knife, spoon, ladle Blades of any length Shaving razor Scissors.



Without prejudice to applicable safety rules, passengers are not permitted to carry the following articles into security restricted areas and on board an aircraft:

a. Guns, firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles: devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury by discharging a projectile, including:

firearms of all types, such as pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns

toy guns, replicas and imitation firearms capable of being mistaken for real weapons

component parts of firearms, excluding telescopic sights

compressed air and CO2 guns, such as pistols, pellet guns, rifles and ball bearing guns,

signal flare pistols and starter pistols,

bows, cross bows and arrows,

harpoon guns and spear guns,

slingshots and catapults;


b. Stunning devices: devices designed specifically to stun or immobilize, including:

devices for shocking, such as stun guns, teasers and stun batons,

animal stunners and animal killers,

disabling and incapacitating chemicals, gases and sprays, such as mace, pepper

sprays, capsicum sprays, tear gas, acid sprays and animal repellent sprays


c. Objects with a sharp point or sharp edge: objects with a sharp point or sharp edge capable of being used to cause serious injury, including:

items designed for chopping, such as axes, hatchets and cleavers,

ice axes and ice picks

razor blades

box cutters

knives with blades of more than 6 cm

scissors with blades of more than 6 cm as measured from the fulcrum

martial arts equipment with a sharp point or sharp edge

swords and sabres


d. Workmen’s tools: tools capable of being used either to cause serious injury or to threaten the safety of aircraft, including:


drills and drill bits, including cordless portable power drills,

tools with a blade or a shaft of more than 6 cm capable of use as a weapon, such as

screwdrivers and chisels

saws, including cordless portable power saws


bolt guns and nail guns


e. Blunt instruments: objects capable of being used to cause serious injury when used to hit, including:

baseball and softball bats

clubs and batons, such as billy clubs, blackjacks and night sticks

martial arts equipment;


f. Explosives and incendiary substances and devices: explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft, including:


blasting caps,

detonators and fuses

replica or imitation explosive devices

mines, grenades and other explosive military stores

fireworks and other pyrotechnics

smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges

dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives



Passengers are not permitted to carry the following articles in their hold baggage: explosives and incendiary substances and devices:

Explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft, including:


blasting caps

detonators and fuses

mines, grenades and other explosive military stores

fireworks and other pyrotechnics

smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges

dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives


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